The list of plants listed below contain a variety of poisons that
cause different symptoms, ranging from skin rashes to kidney damage to death. This is not
meant to be an all inclusive list. Please consult your veterinarian and poisonous plant
These are some of
the available books on poisonous plants:
Field Guide to
Plants Poisonous to Livestock, Shirley A. Weathers, Rosebud Press, P.O. Box 270090,
Fruitland, UT 84027-0090. 1998.
The first field guide to poisonous plants in the western U.S., designed by & for
livestock owners.
Poisonous Plants of
California, Thomas C. Fuller & Elizabeth McClintock, University of California Press,
Berkeley, CA 1986.
Great 443 page field guide of plants with color pictures and some drawings, index of
common scientific names.
Poisonous Plants.
Mount Lehman Llamas, 29343 Galahad R.R.#1, Mount Lehman, B.C.
21 page reference booklet containing drawings & write-ups on a number of common
Caring for Llamas: A
Health & Management Guide, Clare Hoffman,DVM & Ingrid Asmus, Rocky Mountain LAMA
Association, 1996.
A general llama care primer. Contains a section listing many poisonous plants within
the USA.
First Aid for Llamas
and Alpacas, Murray E. Fowler, DVM & Audrey C. Fowler, Clay Press, 1995.
A small, handy, most current reference for first aide issues. Small section with black
& white pictures on plants.
Medicine &
Surgery of North American Camelids. Murray E. Fowler, DVM. Iowa State Press, 1989.
Contains photos & covers poisonous as well as injurious plants.
Dangerous Plants.
John Tampion. Universe Books.
Contains plant drawings & descriptions.
AMA Handbook of
Poisonous & Injurious Plants. Dr. Kenneth F. Lampe & Mary Ann McCann. The American
Medical Association
Physician's reference of 432 pages with color pictures; makes a great field guide.
- African rue
- Agave lecheguilla
- Amarylis
- Arrow grass
- Autumn crocus
- Azalea
- Beargrass
- Begonia, sand
- Bird of paradise
- Bitterweed, rubberweed
- Black laurel & Mtn.
- Black locust
- Black nightshade berry
- Bladder pod, rattlebox,
- Sesbane
- Bleeding heart
- Box
- Bracken fern
- Broom snakeweed
- Buckeyes
- Buckwheat
- Buffalo burr
- Burroweed,Rayless
- Bursage, white ragweed
- Buttercups
- Butterfly weed
- Calla lily
- Calamondin orange tree
- Carnation
- Castor bean
- Catclaw
- Chinaberry
- Chokecherry, Wild cherry,
- Wild plums, Pin cherry
- Christmascherry, Christmas
- Cocklebur
- Copperweed
- Crotalaria
- Cyclamen
- Daffodil
- Daisy
- Daphne
- Deadly nightshade
- Death camas, sandcorn
- Devils ivy
- Diffenbachia
- Dock
- Dumbcane
- English holly/English ivy
- Elderberry
- Elephant ears
- Eucalyptus
- Eyebane
- False hellebore, corn lily
- Fiddleneck
- Firecracker
- Fly poison, Stagger grass,
- Crow poison
- Foxglove
- Geranium
- Gingko Tree
- Golden chain tree
- Greasewood
- Groundsel
- Gumweed
- Halogeton glomeratus
- Hemlock, Poison hemlock,
- Water hemlock
- Henbane
- Hollyberry
- Horsebrush
- Horsechestnut
- Hyacinth
- Hydrangea blossum
- Indian hemp
- Inkweed, drymary
- Iris
- Ivybush
- Jack-in-the-pulpit
- Jequirity bean
- Jerusalem cherry
- Jimsonweed, Thornapple
- Johnson grass
- Juniper
- Labrador Tea
- Lantana
- Larkspurs
- Laurel
- Lillies-Easterlily,
hyacinth,tulip, camass lily
- Lily of the Valley
- Locoweed
- Lupine
- Manchineel
- Mandrake & Mayapple
- Mescal bean
- Mesquite
- Milkweed
- Mistletoe
- Monkshood(Buttercup,
- Leopard Bane)
- Morning glory
- Mountain mahogany
- Mushrooms
- Mustards, crucifers, cress
- Narcissus(Daffodil&
- Needlepoint ivy
- Oak Brush
- Oak tree (acorns &
young leaf buds)
- Oleander
- Orange sneezeweed
- Oxallis
- Pasque flower
- Philodendron
- Podocarpus
- Poinciana
- Poinsettia
- Poison ivy
- Poison suckleys
- Poison sumac
- Poison hemlock
- Pokeweed
- Poppy
- Potato plant
- Pothos
- Princes's plume
- Privet
- Pyrocantha
- Rhododendron
- Rhubarb
- Russian thistle
- St. Johnswort, Klamath
- Silverling
- Skunk cabbage
- Snow-on-the-mountain
- Sorghum
- Spathe flower
- Spurges
- Star of Bethlehem
- String of pearls
- Tomato leaves
- Tansy ragwort
- Tobacco tree, tobacco
- Trumpet vine
- Vetch
- Violet seeds
- White snakeroot
- Wild carrots
- Wild cucumber
- Wild parsnip
- Wild peas
- Wisteria
- Yellow jessamine
- Yew tree
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